How to Keep Your Family Safe During a Thunderstorm

A family hug

Thunderstorms can be a powerful force of nature, bringing heavy rain, lightning, strong winds, and even tornadoes. As a responsible family member, it’s important to take proactive measures to ensure the safety of your loved ones during a thunderstorm. Following a few essential steps can keep your family safe and protected. In this article, we will discuss […]

Tales and Superstitions: Storm Edition

Lightening strike on a city

Storms have always held a mysterious, awe-inspiring quality that captivates our imagination. Throughout history, storms have been the subject of various tales and superstitions, reflecting the human fascination with the power of nature. In this blog, we delve into the captivating world of storm myths and superstitions, exploring the intriguing beliefs that have surrounded storms across different […]

Here’s What you Should Know About The Wind Speed Zones In The United States

Lightning in a dark and cloudy sky.

It is important to discuss wind speed zones because they can determine the tornado intensities experienced in an area. For example, most of the US Tornado Alley lies in Zone IV  ̶  the zone associated with the most extreme weather events. The intensity and duration of a tornado’s winds determine the scale and extent of the destruction. […]

Interview with a Safe Room Expert: Insights and Advice for Homeowners

Interview with a safe room expert being taken.

Safe rooms are ideal for protecting yourself and your family from possible intruder attacks, natural disasters, and even nuclear attacks. However, as a homeowner, you likely have a thousand concerns and queries regarding the worth of safe rooms. We sat down with Safe Rooms US’s security and safe room expert, Chris R. Joey, to address your queries […]