The United States is climatically located in a region where winds of different temperatures converge and form severe storms throughout the year. From households to businesses to schools, people should know what to do when a tornado is about to strike. A tornado can come unannounced; you need to have a tornado drill in place. Here’s how you can conduct a tornado drill.
Put Together an Emergency Plan
A tornado preparedness plan will ensure that people have a set of directions to follow when authorities warn of a potential tornado. An emergency coordinator can develop a suitable plan for your home, business or school. Important things to consider are:
How to warn people when there is a storm?
Where are the ideal locations to take shelter?
What steps will be taken for people with disabilities?
How many people can fit in a particular shelter?
What will be the post-event recovery?
Assign Responsibilities
Several persons will need to take charge when a tornado is about to strike. A person should be assigned to monitor radio news to keep up-to-date with the latest weather forecast. When authorities detect a potential tornado, others should be warned as soon as possible with a siren or microphone. A staff member or emergency responder will have to guide people towards community storm shelters to seek refuge. Ensure that disaster supply kits have water, food, LED lights, communications equipment, batteries and first aid kits.
Immediately Seek Shelter
Being outside when a tornado is on the loose is a recipe for disaster. Tornados can lift and drop objects from miles away, potentially causing injury or death. According to NOAA, an average of 60 deaths occur annually from flying debris. Stay away from windows, doors and exterior walls as they are vulnerable to extreme wind pressure. A tornado safe room that meets FEMA guidelines can protect people from an EF5 tornado. Residents in Tornado Alley should always know where the nearest safe room is located to save themselves from a tornado and flying debris. Your personal possessions can be repaired or replaced; the only thing that truly matters is your life.
Assess the Aftermath
Most tornados typically last a few minutes, but they may last more than an hour on rare occasions. Avoid leaving the safe room until assurance is given that the storm has died down. Be careful of your surroundings as hanging roofs, splinters, shattered glass, broken power lines, damaged sewage lines and chemical leakages are dangerous as the storm itself. Ensure that you’re well out of harm’s way and then proceed to call emergency services and your loved ones.
Practice Tornado Drills Often
Don’t get complacent once the tornado dies down. Ensure that your household, employees and students are well-versed with an up-to-date tornado drill. It’s required by state law for public schools to practice at least two tornado drills per year. Since practice makes perfect, people will be able to respond to a tornado emergency without panic when tornado drills are conducted frequently.
Do you want to build and install a customized safe room in your home, business or school? Safe Rooms US has got you covered. We build tornado safe rooms in Rowlett that are Texas Tech Impact Tested and meet FEMA guidelines to ensure that your life is protected from any tornado. We have been in the industry for over 25 years and protected many families from weather hazards. Contact us now for more information regarding our services.