If you’re sitting anywhere in the midwestern states of the USA, behold! You’re in the territory of the tornados. The good old land of Texas has towns like Fort Worth, Arlington, or Dallas that suffer most from this giant spinning and twisting monster. As per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, tornadoes have struck all fifty states (NOAA).
So, if you’re living in a tornado-active zone, we’d recommend that you get yourself a tornado shelter. A sturdy and reliable storm shelter in Fort Worth or Dallas is something that will always keep you safe. Secondly, always look at the weather forecast before leaving.
Still, we know these tornados are unpredictable, so if by any chance, when you’re traveling by car and a tornado shows up, here’s exactly what you should do.
Warning Signs of a Tornado
For starters, be aware of the early warning indications of an incoming tornado, which include:
- Heavy hailstorm with torrential rain, accompanied by a quiet interval then a dramatic wind change
- Thick, black clouds with a whirling appearance
- A thunderous rumble, as if a cargo train is arriving
- Debris scattered across the ground
If You’re Traveling While a Tornado Shows up, Here’s What You Should Do
Although an automobile is not the greatest spot to stay in when a tornado strikes, passengers can attempt a few of these strategies to get shelter.
- Do not attempt to dodge an approaching tornado when you are driving. Stop aside, crouch down underneath the car’s windows, tighten the seatbelts, as well as protect your head using your arms, a sheet, or a pillow.
- When speeding away from an oncoming tornado which is still a bit far away, go at 90° opposite the tornado cloud’s trajectory. Look for a solid structure to take refuge in. Banks and fast-food outlets typically work effectively due to strong structures such as a bunker or a cold room.
- One more thing that you can do when a tornado happens to be close to you is to stop, leave your car, and seek shelter inside a low-lying trench or a ditch just on the roadside. Protect your head using your arms or a sheet. Leaving your vehicle must only be considered if it’s safe to do so.
What Should You Do Once the Tornado Has Passed?
Whenever a tornado strikes, avoid taking shelter below a bridge. Bridges and Overpasses, despite common belief, don’t provide significant protection against falling rubble, and that’s the leading factor for tornado-related casualties.
Once the tornado has passed, take great caution and avoid harmful debris, including shattered glass, needles, or similar sharp materials. Always keep a safe distance around fallen power lines since it’s difficult to determine if they’re active or not. Finally, avoid entering heavily damaged structures since they may come crumbling down.
If you live in Dallas, TX, you must’ve got a tornado shelter to protect your family and yourself if a storm hits. If not, we at Safe Rooms US install tornado safe rooms.
We ensure that all the protective measures that you want are duly met. Our storm shelters meet all the FEMA requirements. We also build custom safe rooms and , Dallas, and other areas of Texas in just two weeks.
Contact us to find out more, or call us at 469-629-6000 for Texas and 405-367-7901 for Oklahoma.